Ears Wide Open: Shiloe


[One in a series highlighting new music from L.A. bands …]

L.A. quartet Shiloe is 50% drumming and 99% inscrutable. The foursome’s dense, gothic-leaning shoegaze, underpinned by rhythms from dual drummers Daniel Clifford and Dan Moore and bassist Melissa Pleckham, fairly buries guitarist Ken Ramos’ vocals, but it’s the aesthetic that counts here, wide swaths of bleak, caustic distortion. On their first three EPs, I found that aesthetic a bit oppressive at times, but on the new song that Shiloe just unveiled, “By the Daggers in Your Eyes,” it’s shaped to give way to a ’90s-era pop-gazer song. They nailed this one – the song is off a full-length album that’s in the works.

||| Download: “By the Daggers in Your Eyes” and (off their latest EP “… And Now the Screaming Starts”) “The Death of Madame Mustache”

||| Live: Shiloe performs Oct. 17 at downtown’s Silver Factory Studios and Oct. 21 at the Crosby in Santa Ana.