[Host Buzz Bands LA’s “Dear Austin, Love L.A.” day party on Wednesday put a crimp in my actual journalistic activities. But I tried to bounce back a little …] (@krbronson) on Wednesday at SXSW: That a guy named Moses was playing a gig at a house of worship was not lost on anybody Wednesday night […]
New kids on the block, old hands at the guitar – photographer Scott Dudelson took in a wide array of artists performing Wednesday at the South by Southwest Music Festival, including a typically engaging turn by the Haden Triplets (top photo). Here are his images from the day. Concert photography by Scott Dudelson
The South by Southwest Music Festival was reeling Thursday in the wake of the carnage caused when a drunken driving suspect sped his car into a crowd of festival-goers early Thursday morning, killing two people and injuring 23.
[Our guest blogger shares some of what she saw Wednesday at SXSW:] Trina Green (@dharma69) on Wednesday at SXSW: It’s a bit refreshing to find a little musical fabulous here in Texas. John Flanagan? Think Mika with a brighter smile, a penchant for dramatic eyes and a killer falsetto that knows its way around a […]
[Wednesday was a busy day for the BBLA crew. We were very happy to see our friends – and new friends – at our “Dear Austin: Love, LA” day party and we even managed to see a few more bands in the evening before we shut our eyes to recharge. Here’s what else I saw […]
Buzz Bands LA’s annual “Dear Austin, Love L.A.” day party brought an eight-pack of southern California music muscle to the Chuggin’ Monkey on 6th Street on Wednesday afternoon, and our only lament was that the afternoon was too short. Folk, soul, rock and electro – the eight-band lineup had it all, on a cozy stage […]
[In an effort to cover more ground at the South by Southwest Music Festival, we recruited Trina Green of High Voltage Magazine to guest-blog for us. She jumped into the fray thusly:] Trina Green (@dharma69) on Tuesday at SXSW: While officially my second day here at SXSW, Tuesday was the first real official day of […]
[Remember when Tuesday was just a day you flew into South by Southwest so you could settle in and see what the interactive portion had to offer on their last day? Well those days are gone; SXSW 2014’s Tuesday of its music portion not only hosted a slew of day parties, but its bountiful options […]
Concert photographer Scott Dudelson shares scenes from various stages at Tuesday’s opening day of the South by Southwest Music Festival as he hopscotches across Austin’s many venues. Concert photography by Scott Dudelson
[Nothing like having to hit the ground running …] @KRBronson on Tuesday at SXSW: It wasn’t too many years ago that South by Southwest Music Festival attendees were still packing for their trips to Austin on Tuesdays, not swarming 6th Street in search of music and more decadent forms of entertainment. Alas, things get bigger […]