Indie 103.1: A postscript from Mr. Shovel


[I was checking out the digital Indie’s stream just now and an Editors song dropped out right in the middle, a cumbia song started playing for about 30 seconds, then the stream cut back to a Shins song …]

[And LA Weekly’s blog has a statement from Steve Jones here.]

Mark Sovel, aka Mr. Shovel, just posted the following note on his MySpace page:

I really appreciate ”‹all of the texts”‹,”‹ e-mails,”‹ phone calls,”‹ messages etc. today ”‹from friends and people who are sad/”‹angry”‹ and/or confused about”‹ the loss of Indie 103.1.

It is sad for the city of Los Angel”‹es and I wish we could”‹ have preve”‹nted this from happe”‹ning.”‹ It was extremely difficult see Indie come to an end at 103.
1 and are honored to have been a part of the community this past five years.

I just wanted to answe”‹r a coupl”‹e of recurring quest”‹ions,”‹ and my text thumb”‹ was getti”‹ng sore.

1) No it wasn’”‹t a total”‹ surprise.

2) None of the staff”‹ of Indie”‹ 103.”‹1 decid”‹ed to stop broad”‹casti”‹ng on the radio”‹. This decis”‹ion was not ours to make.”‹ They are runni”‹ng old “”‹Indie”‹””‹ songs”‹ throu”‹gh tomor”‹row,”‹ and then it will switc”‹h to anoth”‹er forma”‹t.”‹ (”‹It’”‹s stran”‹ge to hear them playi”‹ng The Sex Pisto”‹ls and Black”‹ Flag on the day they fired”‹ Steve”‹ Jones”‹ and Henry”‹ Rollins,”‹ but maybe”‹ that’”‹s just me).

3) The web strea”‹m that is runni”‹ng is using”‹ the music”‹ that we left in their”‹ syste”‹m but there”‹ will be no DJs and the entir”‹e staff”‹ was laid off today”‹ excep”‹t one perso”‹n to run their”‹ web-”‹strea”‹m.

We wish our forme”‹r emplo”‹yers and colle”‹agues”‹ well and are grate”‹ful for the chanc”‹e to get to say thank”‹ you and goodb”‹ye this morni”‹ng on the air. Every”‹one one of us are sad for the city,”‹ but thank”‹ful for all the peopl”‹e we have worke”‹d with and have met along”‹ the way. Surel”‹y you will see the heart”‹ and soul of Indie”‹ again”‹ in anoth”‹er manif”‹estat”‹ion.

Personally, ”‹ I look forwa”‹rd to a coupl”‹e days of rest and then on to the task ahead”‹.”‹.”‹.”‹.

Thank”‹ you again”‹ for your suppo”‹rt and conce”‹rn.

I’ll see you aroun”‹d – Just like alway”‹s.

Mr Shove”‹l