Download: Blacklist, ‘Flight of the Demoiselles’



Hadn’t heard much from Blacklist since I caught the NYC quartet’s fairly gripping set at SXSW – until this past week, when the band’s West Coast debut was announced. The foursome’s revivalist post-punk will make you want to bust out your black; it’s urgent and shadowy and Goth to the core. I had overlooked (shame on me) the release of their debut album “Midnight of the Century” this summer, but now I an catch up: The band will be visiting L.A. as part of Wierd Festival 2009, a three-night event staged by Brooklyn-based Wierd Records and Club Killing Spree, who will host Thursday’s kickoff party at the Meduca Lounge on Beverly Boulevard.

||| Download: “Flight of the Demoiselles”

||| Live: Blacklist plays Saturday as part of Wierd Festival 2009 at the NOMAD Collective Art Compound, 1993 Blake Ave., downtown L.A. Nite Jewel, Xeno & Oaklander, Frank Alpine and Tearist perform Friday; on Saturday, it’s Blacklist, Martial Canterel and Bronze.

Photo by Luke Stettner