Video: Craig Wedren, ‘Are We’
Kevin Bronson on
“We are all born insane,” ex-Shudder to Think frontman Craig Wedren sings in his new song “Are We” – an interesting hypthesis, to be sure – but if that isn’t the case then the video for the song might make you a little crazy. The 360-degree, interactive movie for the song, the work of Tim Nackashi (who’s done visuals for OK Go and Gnarls Barkley), debuted today on Wedren’s website. By moving your cursor across the panorama, the viewer is transported through various whimsical worlds. The song, which features background vocals from Conor Oberst and Janet Weiss, is from “Wand,” which will be out in May as an album and interactive film. This first 3 minutes 45 seconds is pretty remarkable – don’t waste too much time at work today replaying it.
Visit Wedren’s website to view the video.
Image: a screen grab from the video
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