Video: Seasons, ‘Of Our Discontent’


The only downside to Seasons’ music has been that there’s not enough of it. Through a trickle of three EPs, the Highland Park outfit’s neo-psychedelic indie-rock has been compelling at the very least, and often mesmerizing. They are about to hole up with producer Raymond Richards to make their “Autumn” EP (completing a set that includes “Spring,” “Summer” and “Winter”), and in the meantime they have again teamed up with director Christopher J. Ewing for the video for “Of Our Discontent,” off the latter EP. It features Mahaley Manning as Vera, a girl with a curious curse. Brilliant. Be the music.

||| Download: “Of Our Discontent” (music video version)


||| Live: Seasons perform Aug. 11 at the Roxy along with Family of the Year, Golden State and Heartstop.

||| Previously: “The Weight,” “Of Our Discontent,” “The Weight” video” and the “Light, Lost” video.