Ears Wide Open: Zenda Marie
Kevin Bronson on
The songs of Zenda Marie at times feel so fragile they might break, were they not imbued with the pliable spirit of folk music. The Los Angeles-based duo of Arkansas native Galen Scroggins and Sacramento-born Kelsie Wilber have a sweet story of the happy accident that began their collaboration – something involving testing microphones – and it blossomed into a recording session with Silver Lake-based producer Ben Tolliday that included contributions from drummer Mark Barry (Lord Huron) and Tolliday’s string project the Eye Fives. Zenda Marie’s maiden voyage “Ancient” casts the duo as old souls, but as you’ll find from the music, there’s a difference between old and timeless.
||| Download: “Ancient Love”
||| Live: Zenda Maria celebrate their album release tonight at the Central SAPC in Santa Monica, supported by Brett Farkas and Escalator Hill.
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