Video: Sea of Bees, ‘Broke’


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There’s a prismatic effect when Sacramento’s Julie Baenziger, aka Sea of Bees, sings “I’ll be fine” over and over on “Broke,” a track off of her latest record “Orangefarben” (out now on Team Love Records). You can hear heartache as much as you can hear a newly profound strength as she sings of a relationship that didn’t work out. Considering the fact that this previous relationship gave her the freedom that catapulted the lovely optimism on “Songs for Ravens,” her embrace of life is still open even as she sweetly sings of its intricate dissolution. Julie Ann Bee (or Jules, as she is also known) brings a rich warmth and unflinchingly upbeat melodies to those meditations, all delivered in her very special voice.

||| Previously: “Wizbot” and “Marmalade”

||| Live: Sea of Bees plays June 11 at Bardot, June 13 at the Echo and June 14 at the Del Monte Speakeasy.