Download: Fanfarlo, ‘Myth of Myself (A Ruse to Exploit Our Weaknesses)’



London-based Fanfarlo is gearing up for the release of their third studio album. Although the record is still untitled, the quartet has released teaser single “Myth Of Myself (A Ruse to Exploit Our Weaknesses),” a track that is surprisingly sprawling as Simon Balthazar’s particular baritone weaves in and out of titillating percussion and clarinet riffs. The band released a statement to unveil the following description of the record’s theme: “A record that in its own playfully serious/seriously playful way looks at human evolution and the weirdness of being this thing we call a person.” Fanfarlo’s forthcoming record, and follow-up to last year’s “Rooms Filled with Light,” is slated for a release in late 2013.

||| Download: “Myth of Myself (A Ruse to Exploit Our Weaknesses)” in exchange for your e-mail address at Fanfarlo’s website or stream it below: