Stream: Jeff Schroeder and the Majestic High, ‘Christmas Time Is Here’
Kevin Bronson on
[Another in our series of holiday songs:]
There’s something perfect about the people behind the Peanuts franchise soliciting a guy named Schroeder to cover the Vince Guaraldi/Lee Mendelson classic “Christmas Time Is Here.” Even if this particular Schroeder is known for his work with the guitar and not at the piano. Jeff Schroeder, the Orange County native who’s played guitar for the Smashing Pumpkins since 2007, has teamed up with Andi Roselund and Cindi Kim (aka the Majestic High) to turn the song into a shimmering dream-pop gem. Schroeder, currently living and working as a producer in Seoul, South Korea, solicited Wayne Everett, his old mate in the O.C. popgazer band the Lassie Foundation, to sing vocals on the song. The tune is part of a collection (some of which are downloadable) titled “Jeff Schroeder & Peanuts Present It’s Christmastime in Seoul,” which features four Schroeder-produced songs by: YouTube sensation David Choi, Korean rockers No Brain, R&B singer Brian Joo (formerly of the K-pop duo Fly to the Sky) and Andrew Choi (from “K-pop Star” Season 2). As for Schroeder, he acknowledges he heard some Peanuts jokes in his youth. “I thought it would be cooler to update the character and have him play guitar rather than piano,” Schroeder says, “although now I wish I was better piano player.”
||| Stream: “Christmas Time Is Here”
[…] Jeff Shroeder and his band, The Majestic High, have covered the classic “Christmastime is Here”, written by Vince Guaraldi for the TV special A Charlie Brown Christmas. Jeff shared the new version of the song with Buzzbands. […]