Video: The Dead Ships, ‘Golden Room’


If you just had lunch, prepare yourself for the video for “Golden Room” from L.A. garage-punk trio the Dead Ships. The second-half of the clip may reveal a bizarre and cartoonish version of gore, but the Herculion (Mitchel McKenzie and Aaron Silverstein)-directed clip could warrant an R rating if you’ve got some of the kiddies hanging around. The track itself, however, is not only the first follow-up to their excellent 2012 debut “Electric Ahab,” but also a great sneak peek at the Brendan Canning-produced sophomore release. No mellow Broken Social Scene influences there though; the boys stay fiery with their no-nonsense garage-blues sensibilities and as the video above implies, they’re still just as rowdy no matter what comes their way.

||| Live: Dead Ships will be playing Echo Park Rising on Aug. 16, on a stage and at a time TBA.