Stream: Broncho, ‘Class Historian’
Kevin Bronson on
Broncho burst out of Oklahoma a couple of years ago doing everything right – playing with abandon and releasing an album full of concise garage-pop songs that recalled the mercurial early days of punk rock. Their label, though, apparently did everything wrong, tanking while the band built around the talents of Ryan Lindsey, Nathan Price and Ben King was on the road. Undeterred (or, well, maybe slightly mussed), Broncho has retooled to make its sophomore album “Just Hip Enough to Be Woman,” due Sept. 16 on Dine Alone Records. Included is the song “It’s On,” which, owing to its use in the third season of “GIRLS,” introduced Broncho to many fans. The album in sum offers deliciously fuzzed-out power-pop – although not as garage-y as Broncho’s first turn – with some choruses you won’t believe haven’t been written before. At 3 1/2 minutes, “Class Historian” almost qualifies as an epic for these guys, yet it seems to end too soon.
||| Stream: “Class Historian”
||| Live: Broncho plays Aug. 26 at the Constellation Room and Aug. 27 at the Echo.
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