Stream: The Dead Ships, ‘Canyon’



The Dead Ships’ bluesy, blaring garage-rock has earned the L.A. trio comparisons to bands ranging from the Black Keys (the blues) and the Strokes (the garage). As evidenced by their new single “Canyon,” though, it’s just as likely that the blood running through the veins of singer-guitarist Devlin McCluskey and bandmates Alex Moore and Christopher Spindelilus is of the classic rock variety. The new song sounds as much like their revved-up Levon Helm covers from last year as much as it does their sterling 2012 debut album “Electric Ahab.” The trio recorded the song with producer Brendan Canning of Broken Social Scene with an eye on releasing a new full-length next year. This pulse-pounder is for raging down a canyon road, volume all the way up. Please watch your downhill speed.

||| Stream: “Canyon”

||| Live: The Dead Ships headline the Satellite on Friday night.

||| Previously: Live at Tarfest, “Golden Room,” “Golden Room” video, “You Were Young” video; “You Were Young”

Photo by Samantha Saturday