Video: Harriet, ‘Irish Margaritas’


Since he released Harriet’s debut EP “Tell the Right Story” in early 2012, singer-songwriter Alex Casnoff has been prone to arresting mood swings. “I Slept With All Your Mothers,” the former Dawes and PAPA keyboardist taunted on that first solo venture, before a long period of soul-searching yielded the melancholic “Ten Steps” and the downright heartsick “Burbank.” The new single from a self-titled EP Harriet released this week sounds like neither of those —  “Irish Margaritas” is a spazzy, synth-spiked tune that comes to life in vivid color in the Casnoff-directed “Lime” video. The L.A. quartet debuted this song live at their Valentine’s Day show with PAPA and it set off the crowd. Suffice to say there’s a seizure warning on this clip for a reason.

||| Previously: An interview, “No Way Out,” “I Slept With All Your Mothers”