Stream: Avid Dancer, ‘I Feel It’
Kevin Bronson on

On his debut album as Avid Dancer, the April release “1st Bath,” songwriter Jacob Summers couched every ounce of his lovelorn self in jangling, 1960s-era psych-pop. Of course, he’s learned a few things since those songs were written and recorded (2011, maybe?). Avid Dancer’s incontrovertibly infectious new single “I Feel It” supplants the album’s vaguely retro sound with the sheen of modern production, right down to choral backdrop. He sings more confidently too, with less quaver, and even if you’ve heard variations on the chorus’s metaphor a dozen times, it’s no less vast. The song has been in Avid Dancer’s arsenal for a year or so, and its release coincides with the announcement that Summers and gang will go on a two-month tour supporting BØRNS, a pairing that will make for a double-dose of pop bliss.
||| Stream: “I Feel It”
||| Live: Avid Dancer opens for Tune-Yards at the Twilight Concert Series at the Santa Monica Pier on Sept. 10. The band’s tour with BØRNS visits the El Rey Theatre on Nov. 23.
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