Download: The Legendary House Cats, ‘King Grudge’
Kevin Bronson on

John Girgus, who has made music as part of indie-pop band Aberdeen, dream-poppers Languis and rockers the Spider Problem and Non Ultra Joy, last year started releasing music as the Legendary House Cats. His latest single is more of a lion than a kitty — “King Grudge” sees Girgus reuniting with longtime friend (and Non Ultra Joy) collaborator Chris McRitchie (of The Dude Show podcast), whose muscular guitar work was behind bands such as Big Stone City and Flupejac. Here, they’ve made a searing rocker perfect for some spleen-venting, because, y’know, things don’t always end well and grudges are easier to hold than let go.
||| Download: “King Grudge” (via Bandcamp)
||| Also: Stream “Kind Words”
||| Also: Watch the video for “King Grudge”
||| Previously: “This Time”
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