Stream: Alina Bea, ‘Everything Is Right’
Daiana Feuer on

Body Parts put out Buzz Bands LA’s favorite album of 2013, but after four years together the band dissolved because of a breakup within its ranks. It’s a risk, getting in a band with a lover, but so worth it when that chemistry is sizzling and great music results. In any case, one-half of the creative duo, Alina Cutrono has reinvented herself as Alina Bea and started playing new songs around town that will appear on an EP, “Live Undone,” to be released by New Professor Music in 2016. Cutrono was born in Venice, California, into a family of artists, and spent some time breathing fire, walking on broken glass and eating worms in a circus sideshow act while playing in many bands. Now she is ready to share her most personal music, working with producer Mike Richardson, who added electronic percussion and synths to her guitar and confessional vocals. Cutrono describes these songs as a “scream of defiance.” The first single, “Everything Is Right” definitely has some emotions running through it, but it’s a bright, poppy take on dark feelings. There’s one (on-pitch) scream in it, that much is true, but the song seems geared towards wiping away the last tear, taking off your sweatpants, and moving forward.
||| Stream: “Everything Is Right”
||| Live: Alina Bea performs at Bootleg Theater as part of the GIRLSCHOOL Field Day Weekend festival Jan 29-31.
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