Viet Cong change their band name to Preoccupations

Preoccupations (Photo by Alessio Boni)
Preoccupations (Photo by Alessio Boni)

Time to tweak that FYF Fest poster: Viet Cong have changed their band name.

The highly regarded Canadian post-punk outfit, who apparently didn’t use much in the way of forethought when they formed their band in Calgary in 2012, are now going by Preoccupations. It fulfills a promise they made to change the name last fall, and the news coincides with a just-announced European tour.

The band will play FYF Fest in Los Angeles the weekend of Aug. 27-28.

They issued the standard mea culpa today:

“We apologize to those who were adversely affected by our former band name. This was never anticipated nor our intent. We are artists and not politicians, we understand that the name reflected pain to some individuals and we are happy to change it and move on and focus on our music. Thanks to all our friends and fans.”

Postscript: The band’s old Twitter handle has already been appropriated by Drake fans.