Premiere: Fever Charm, ‘Never Had Before’

Fever Charm
Fever Charm

Los Angeles seems the perfect locale for Oakland-bred indie-pop quartet Fever Charm to have planted roots — theirs is the sound of perpetual summer, with breezy beats, Ari Berl’s buoyant, boyish vocals and effects seemingly digitized from blue-orange sunsets. The band’s first EP in 2014, in fact, was aptly titled “Sound of Summer” (the title track is on Fox’s “Coupled”), and after releasing the single “Buenos Aires” last year, the band — Berl along with Theo Quayle, Yianni AP and J.T. Gagarin — are returning next month with a new EP, “Retrograde.” With its slippery guitar line and what-did-I-do-last-night vocal effects as a backdrop, the new single “Never Had Before” is about clinging to those once-in-a-lifetime moments. Lest, of course, they fade away into the next blue-orange sunset.

||| Stream: “Never Had Before”

||| Also: Stream “Love Letters” and “Retrograde”

||| Live: Fever Charm play a daytime show (1-5 p.m.) Saturday at Resident along with LA Font, Tickster Guru and Wet & Reckless. Tickets.