Stream: Roses, ‘Accessory’
Kevin Bronson on

Roses are Juan Velasquez, Marc Steinberg and Victor Herrera — or, as somebody wisecracked, Three Beards and a Drum Machine. We share that joke lovingly, much in the same manner the L.A. trio have treated what we’ll call Smiths Generation Pop on their debut full-length “Camera Trouble.” Made with producer/engineer Alex DeGroot (Zola Jesus), it’s “unhappy music that will, strangely, make you feel less alone,” the band says. “Camera Trouble” is the culmination of more than a year’s work that followed the release of Roses’ “Dreamlover” EP in 2014; there, and here, Steinberg nails the detached vocal style of a legion of New Wave and post-punk artists the band’s uncles probably loved. The single “Accessory” comes with slashing synths, ticklish guitars and springy electronic beats, along with a certain hopeful melancholy. Sigh. “Camera Trouble” is out Oct. 28 via Group Tightener.
||| Stream: “Accessory”
||| Live: Roses play the Hi Hat on Sept. 9, along with French Vanilla, Lithics and Moaning. Tickets.
||| Previously: “Quiet Time,” Ears Wide Open
[…] Previously: “Accessory,” “Quiet […]