Premiere: Nectarines, ‘Out of My World’
Kevin Bronson on

Pop quiz: Nectarines are 1) the latest vehicle for the songwriting of the prolific Nima Kazerouni, 2) a guitar-pop quintet in which the drummer serves as the singer-guitarist’s de facto “dating therapist,” 3) so exciting that Kazerouni actually moved to Long Beach to facilitate working with the band, and 4) better than peaches. Answer: All four are true, although only the first three apply specifically to the infectious “goth doo-wop” made by Kazerouni, drummer Allie Bunsted, keyboardist Corina Camacho, guitarist Rachel Rufrano and bassist Kaitlin Weichsel (who played on the recordings, now replaced by Elise Ewoldt). The project began with a chance meeting in 2015 between Kazerouni (So Many Wizards/Crown Plaza/GNTLMN) and Bumsted. Songwriting sessions ensued at Bumsted’s house in LBC; an EP (coming March 3 via Porch Party Records) was written; and eventually the pair formed a band around those compositions. The second single from the EP, “Out of My World,” is a 2-minute shot of adrenaline about confronting being out of your comfort zone and, ultimately, moving on. Over scratchy guitar, gliding synths and backing vocals and agitated rhythms, Kazerouni declares, “No way out but I guess that’s what’s called living.” Pretty sweet.
||| Stream: “Out of My World” and “Happy for Now”
||| Live: Nectarines play March 5 at Fingerprints in Long Beach, March 14 at the Virgil and March 28 at Resident.
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