Stream: Kan Wakan, ‘Tuesday’ (feat. Rachel Fannan and Avi Buffalo)
Kevin Bronson on

With the release of his triple-LP “Phantasmagoria” delayed, composer Gueorgui Livev — aka Kan Wakan — this week released a collaborative single that had been on the back burner for a while. “Tuesday” is a gorgeous, autumnal meditation, gently orchestrated, featuring the talents of singer Rachel Fannan (one of the featured vocalists on “Phantasmagoria”) and Avi Buffalo. It sounds like something you might have dreamed after listening to Fairport Convention in the early 1970s. “Writing ‘Tuesday’ with Rachel and Avi was like finishing each other’s stories,” Linev says. “… And also like being stuck inside of a Zelda game on multiplayer and with our combined efforts, working to broaden the map and find our way. It was only towards the end when we we’re able to look back and see the overarching theme. We needed each other to bounce ideas off of, so we could find a connection and common ground.”
||| Stream: “Tuesday”
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