Premiere: WILD, ‘Here We Go’
Kevin Bronson on

“Here We Go,” the new single from WILD, is a song for that moment you’re standing at the top of a rickety water slide battling your fear of heights, and your aquaphobia to boot. There’s no turning around, so with a shout, down you go.
It’s the latest musical pep talk from the Los Angeles trio who’ve mastered the tropes of modern pop (or what the industry calls “indie-pop”) on nine singles dating back to their 2015 debut “Vagabond:” stomping/galloping rhythms, finely crafted harmonies and feverishly enthusiastic choruses. If “Here We Go’s” cherubic pluck doesn’t inspire at least one feat of derring-do, you need to stop locking yourself in your basement.
“[It’s] about leaving behind the baggage of the past and making that leap of faith towards something better,” says the band. “It’s about getting out of your comfort zone and taking risks to achieve any dream you may have, and coming to terms with that fact that’s it’s OK to be afraid while doing so.”
All of which applies to the trio of singer Lauren Luiz, bassist-producer Tyler Thompson and guitarist-singer Zach DeGaetano, who hail from far-flung outposts in the U.S. (Portland, Minneapolis and Boston, respectively), got together in L.A. via mutual friends and are now taking on a new challenge. After all those singles, they’re working on a full album, collaborating with top-selling songwriters such as David Hodges (Christina Perri, Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban) and Shep Goodman (MisterWives, Ingrid Michaelson).
||| Stream: “Here We Go”
||| Also: Stream 2017’s “Throw Me in the Water”
||| Live: WILD will open for Arms Akimbo and King Shelter at the Teragram Ballroom on July 13. Tickets.
[…] ||| Previously: Quarantunes/”Draw the Line,” “Here We Go” […]