Video: Colyn Cameron, ‘Loss For Words’

Colyn Cameron (photo by River Carothers)

After releasing three records (two on Vagrant) as indie-pop band Wake Owl, Vancouver-born Colyn Cameron settled down in Los Angeles, got a regular job and took his time crafting a solo album, “Sad & Easy,” recorded to tape in his apartment and coming out Oct. 12.

A folky, ruminating pop song with a melancholy pace, lead single “Loss For Words” gently gathers around Cameron’s soft, elfin voice. Filmed around the Mojave desert on 16mm film, the video is fruity in an unexpected way. “This song is about being less serious with what might seem the saddest thing. Total misunderstanding within total simplicity and beauty,” Colyn explains. “Can you imagine feeding a cherry to someone in order to overcome hopelessness? My friend Robert thought it would be nice to drive to Needles and all the while collect neglected fruits that could revive and surprise like the strangeness of Highway 40.”

||| Watch: “Loss For Words”