Video: Tim Presley’s White Fence, ‘I Have to Feed Larry’s Hawk’

Tim Presley (Photo by Devendra Banhart)
Tim Presley (Photo by Devendra Banhart)

Since 2010, Tim Presley has authored six albums as White Fence, two in a White Fence/Ty Segall collaboration, two more in collaboration with Cate Le Bon as Drinks and, finally, 2016’s “The Wink,” released under name (dramatic pause) Tim Presley.

Now comes Tim Presley’s White Fence, the name under which the singer-songwriter will issue his next album, “I Have to Feed Larry’s Hawk,” due Jan. 25 via Drag City. If the album is anything like the title track and Ashley Goodall’s graphic video for it, Presley remains as deliciously inscrutable as ever, crafting minimal psych-pop songs that are like delicate wooden miniatures warped by the rains of existential wonder and dread. The album announcement uses a phrase we wish we’d coined: “hypnagogic syrup.”

Presley writes that the album was informed by his new home of San Francisco, a city that “is now a bull constantly poached by the bullfighter. The Torero keeps chipping. It’s alright for me … now … despite this.” He wrote the songs while staying with Cate Le Bon in the rural Northern England town of Staveley and recorded them in San Francisco with Jeremy Harris, who plays piano on the album. Dylan Hadley and H. Hawkline also contribute to the record.

||| Watch: The video for “I Have to Feed Larry’s Hawk”

||| Also: Stream “Lorelei”