M83: Marveling at the wonders of Scandinavia


[Keyboardist-singer Morgan Kibby continues her M83 tour diary. Read previous installments here.]

Chapter 9: Observations from Scandinavia:

One quick rant: If I have to smell one more male body odor, one more rancid beer stain, one more pair of beaten shoes, one more puke puddle, stale cigarette, molding German sausage, bus full of morning breath, unshowered body orifice, pissed pantleg, unwashed stage T-shirt … I will go crazy.

And yet … These are all starting to smell like home. Woo-hoo!

After the jump, some final pics from our Scandinavian debut:

Street art in Norway:

Anthony and I praying to the Stockholm gods …

Cereal bandit!