SXSW: A Wednesday recap, or feet don’t fail me now


[A recap of my Wednesday at the South by Southwest Music Festival:]

Highlights: That Petrol Emotion, the Drones, Yelle.

Lowlights: Bands with their own energy drinks, “F*ck Y’All” T-shirts and caps, the dude who hit me up for a dollar for beer four different times.

By the numbers:

53: Number of Los Angeles musicians I ran into during the course of the day.
26: Blocks I walked to get to the That Petrol Emotion show.
15: Number of business cards exchanged.
11: Times my stomach growled during the BBQ the Texas Way panel discussion.
9: Number of CDs given to me Wednesday.
$6.50: The cost of a pack of smokes in Austin.
2: Number of Hot Kicks energy drinks I consumed. Thanks, guys.
1: Number of action figures who almost tripped over me on 6th.