Tonight in L.A.: Gangi, Golden Animals, Commagere


[Cheers to Paul Weller, who’s celebrating a birthday today … and here’s how you can usher out your holiday weekend:]

The three Silver Lake/Echo Park residencies end with a bang: Gangi wraps things up at Spaceland with support from Local Natives and Warpaint; soulful kids Mississippi Man and shoegazers Lower Heaven [pictured] help residents Golden Animals finish strong at the Silverlake Lounge; and it’s Adam Goldeberg’s LANDy, the Chapin Sisters and Jogger supporting the Juliette Commagere finale at the Echo. … Cool Swedish quartet Little Dragon is at the Glass House. … It’s Sam Bradley at the Hotel Cafe. … And Vanaprasta caps a big lineup at the Viper Room.

||| Download: Lower Heaven, “Knife”