Tonight in L.A.: Amanda Blank, Growlers, Red Cortez


minimansionsGood stuff in the Silver Lake/Echo Park environs tonight, starting at the Echo and Echoplex, where there is a double dose of free shows. Restavrant, along with Spirit Vine and Mini Mansions (pictured), performs downstairs, while the Growlers’ residency continues upstairs. … Resident guys Local Natives, who enjoyed line-down-the-block status last week at Spaceland, do it again this week, supported by Red Cortez, Rademacher and Swim Party. … And not far away at the Silverlake Lounge, the Moon Upstairs and Shine Brothers (Nate Ryan of the Black Angels) support resident shoegazers Lower Heaven. … Also: Amanda Blank’s free in-store at Amoeba (6 p.m.); Petracovich’s record-released party at the Hotel Cafe and Fail to Breathe at the Viper Room.

Obligatory self-promotional note: I’ll be DJing in between sets tonight at Spaceland.