Show notes: Eight couplets about eight bands


[I’ve been meaning to share random observations from recent shows for days. Now, obviously the lack of sleep has made me slap-happy – not only did I write these, I’m posting them.]


Autolux, El Rey Theatre, Sept. 25
Sending out good wishes, as they get back in business,
to Autolux, the best damn aloof band I’ve witnessed


Dios, Sept. 19, at Lobsterfest
The brightest of bright spots on a sunny afternoon
was Dios sharing its shiny new tunes


Psychedelic Furs, Sept. 18, Club Nokia
Chuckle if you will at the old demographic,
but the hits hold up well despite the high traffic


Happy Mondays, Sept. 18, Club Nokia
Not quite so scenic, this memory lane,
but happy the Mondays can still stand the strain


Amusement Parks on Fire, Sept. 18, Club Nokia
Quite the show-stealer, young Michael Feerick;
well, if not the show at least some of my hearing


Sea Wolf, Troubadour, Sept. 17
The sophomore album offers much cause to swoon,
but on this night the live Sea Wolf ends none too soon


Afternoons, Troubadour, Sept. 17
Must give them credit, they grow and they hustle,
operatic rock with big heart and muscle


Sara Lov, Troubadour, Sept. 17
With backing tracks coming from vinyl and needle,
Lov’s clarion vocals were comfort, indeed