News bits: Robert Hilburn, PTP, Dublab, Chromeo
Kevin Bronson on
“Corn Flakes With John Lennon (And Other Tales from a Rock ’n’ Roll Life),” the music memoirs of former Times pop music critic Robert Hilburn, comes out next week. The Times has a big excerpt running in Sunday’s paper, with more to follow Monday and Tuesday. The first in what’s sure to be a series of local signings will be at 7 p.m. Oct. 22 at the Barnes & Noble at the Americana in Glendale.
‣ Part Time Punks has a poolside pre-party from 2-8 p.m. on Saturday at the Standard downtown, featuring DJ sets, among others, Hugo Burnham and Dave Allen of Gang of Four.
‣ Listen here: On your way to Part Time Punks on Sunday? Stop by StoriesLA bookstore at 3 for an event called Part Time Punks WORD Fest, featuring “readers, ranters and writers who have been in and out of the arts/music scene in Los Angeles and worldwide.” Among them: Kid Congo Powers, Cole Coonce, Gordy Grundy and Don Waller.
‣ Dublab winds up a weeklong 10th anniversary celebration with a big dance party on Saturday night. Where? They’re not announcing the location until the day of the party. Best check their website on Saturday.
‣ Chromeo is doing a DJ set tonight at downtown’s Club 740. The 1980s-channeling Montreal duo is working on a follow-up to 2007’s “Fancy Footwork,” if you’re curious what they’re up to, the soft drink-sponsored label Green Label Sound has a free download of the new song “Night By Night” (and a remix).
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