Coachella: Flying Lotus’ netherworld


Who: Flying Lotus at the Gobi Tent.
In 3 or Fewer Words: New Los Angeles.
I’ll Remember This a Long Time Because: The man born Steven Ellison put on a show worthy of his reputation as one of music’s forward-thinkers. FlyLo’s electro-hip-hop is a quilt of ones and zeroes and found sounds, and in front of some spectacular video projections he created a glitchy, twitchy world of shapeshifting beats and icy melodies. Even more so than his ’09 Coachella appearance, he also connected strongly with the denizens of the tent – likely a strong SoCal contingent, judging from the cheers he got when he announced “Los Angeles” and made the LA insignia with his fingers.
What I’d Tell My Friend Who Was at Z-Trip: Just a different kind of trip, man.
– K.B.