Download: Superhumanoids, ‘Cranial Contest’
Kevin Bronson on
I’m pretty sure that if Superhumanoids had a band name that didn’t sound so cartoonish (just sayin’), I would have fallen for them sooner. Instead it took me a while – and the release of their “Urgency” EP – to latch on to their infectious tunes, which feature a cool garagey edge, a synth-pop sheen and a new wave-inspired mix of organic and computer beats. Guitarist Cameron Parkins and keyboardist Sarah Chernoff trade off vocals, and Evan Weinerman and Max St. John (the Outline) man the rhythms, and the result is something that sounds effortlessly bright. And darned if “Simple Severin” doesn’t sound like Morrissey on happy pills. The EP is available on very pretty red vinyl, or below if you need a quick fix.
||| Download: “Cranial Contest” or visit their website to download the whole thing for free.
||| Live: Superhumanoids open for Miniature Tigers and the Spinto Band on Saturday
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