This weekend in L.A.: Weezer, Dawes, OK Go, Bonobo, Lucero, Karl Denson, Jason Diaz


My touts for the weekend (UPDATED):

‣ We all know about Dawes. (Don’t we?) “North Hills” came out way back in 2009, and the L.A. folkies recently holed up to record some new music, some of which you might hear tonight at the El Rey Theatre. It’s one of those arrive-early shows – the Moondoggies (“Empress of the North” video, above; download below) open, along with L.A.’s the Romany Rye.
Weezer performs tonight and Saturday night at the Gibson Amphitheatre – the opener features the band playing 1994’s debut (“The Blue album”) in its entirety, and on Saturday they will tackle “Pinkerton.” A set of hits follows each album presentation. And Best Coast opens.
‣ I have no idea how they’re going to fit everybody onstage, but Shadow Shadow Shade is playing the Redwood Bar tonight. This isn’t happening, no matter what some schedules say. I have set aside Dec. 20 at the Echo for SSS’s next show.
‣ Ninja Tune dude Bonobo brings his downtempo jazztronica to the Music Box – with his collaborator and a singer to keep an eye on, Andreya Triana.
OK Go, which did a “musical parade” through the streets of Los Angeles last week, headlines Club Nokia on Saturday, and the band will be issuing 3D glasses for some sort of visual surprise. Hmm. (Also it has been hinted that they will crash the matinee Yo Gabba Gabba shows across the courtyard at the Nokia Theatre.) At Club Nokia, a Fine Frenzy and local indie-rockers Summer Darling open.

Also tonight: The Queers at the Troubadour; the Bixby Knolls and Slang Chickens at Spaceland; Attack Attack! at the Fox Theater in Pomona; Pretty Lights at the Wiltern; Gestapo Khazi and Tijuana Panthers /at the Smell; Soulfly at the House of Blues; the Damselles at Casey’s Bar downtown; Modern Time Machines at the 5 Star Bar; Nu Savant at the Mint; and Birds & Batteries‘ 5 p.m. in-store at Origami Vinyl.

Also Saturday: Lucero and Drag the River at the Troubadour; Jason Diaz and Joe Gil at the Hotel Cafe; Dimmu Borgir at the Fox Theater in Pomona; Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe and the Breakestra at the El Rey Theatre; Atreyu at the House of Blues; the Flower Machine at Spaceland; Darren Rademaker of the Tyde at Casey’s Bar downtown; and Fiction Company’s 7 p.m. in-store at Origami.

Also Sunday: The Smart Brothers, Maxim Ludwig, Leslie Stevens and Drew Stedman at Saint Rocke in Hermosa Beach; International Tennis Champions and Paulie Pesh at the Bootleg Theater; and Neil Hamburger at Spaceland.