Mp3-pack: Loch & Key, Mayer Hawthorne offer up covers of Vince Guaraldi’s ‘Christmas Time Is Here’
Kevin Bronson on
If it’s December, my mailbox must be filling with holiday songs. Hopefully, you already grabbed that compilation of originals that I posted about a couple of weeks ago. Today, I have dueling versions of the same song. Which do you like better?
‣ Loch & Key, “Christmas Time Is Here.” The L.A. duo of Leyla Akdogan and Sean Hoffman [whom we previewed in August] offer up a languid take Vince Guaraldi’s holiday song – there’s a lot of Akdogan’s fluidity on their album “Jupiter’s Guide for Submariners.” Loch & Key will be performing at the massive (and free) L.A. County Holiday Celebration at downtown’s Dorothy Chandler Pavilion on Christmas Eve (which will be televised live on KCET).
‣ Mayer Hawthorne, “Christmas Time Is Here.” The Stones Throw Records soul man (born Andrew Mayer Cohen), who is Jewish, wisecracks: “All the best Christmas songs were written by Jews, and Chanukah songs suck.” His take on Guaraldi is cool and understated – no big surprise there. Hawthorne is performing four consecutive nights in Las Vegas beginning Wednesday for the grand opening of the Cosmopolitan Hotel & Casino.
Photos by Evi T’Bolt (Loch & Key) and Laurie Scavo (Hawthorne)
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