James Vincent McMorrow, ‘If I Had a Boat’


Unless you’ve heard his songs in the background of “Grey’s Anatomy” or “One Tree Hill,” chances are you’re not yet familiar with James Vincent McMorrow.  The honey-voiced singer-songwriter has been gaining acclaim in his native Ireland since releasing his debut full-length, “Early in the Morning” in Europe this past summer. After releasing a teaser EP last fall, Vagrant is giving McMorrow’s album a U.S. release next week; it’s sweet, multi-layered folk, self-recorded in a cabin by the seashore, with a beauty that will take you back to the time you first heard Bon Iver or Nick Drake.

||| Download: “If I had a Boat” [audio:http://www.mediafire.com/file/a5y3bq45lxye186/James%20Vincent%20McMorow%20-%20If%20I%20Had%20A%20Boat%201.mp3]

– By Addy Danti