Download: The Stepkids, ‘Shadows on Behalf’


The first single from the Stepkids sounds like something a crate-digger would unearth between old Friends of Distinction and Curtis Mayfield 45s. Which makes them perfect for Stone Throws Records, the label most likely to discover the next Shuggie Otis. The L.A. imprint just signed the Connecticut trio of Tim Walsh, Jeff Gitelman (former touring guitarist for Alicia Keys)  and Dan Edinberg; a 12-inch single is due in April. Psychedelia-drenched soul with killer light show? If you’ve got the tunes, I’ve got the tie-dye.

||| Download: “Shadows on Behalf”


||| Live: The Stepkids perform tonight with Peanut Butter Wolf at the Commonwealth Lounge in Fullerton. They play Friday night [UPDATED] at Freak City (6363 Hollywood Blvd., enter through alley off Cahuenga), with KCRW DJ Jeremy Sole and a video set from Peanut Butter Wolf.

||| Also: More on the KCRW blog.