Video: Nous Non Plus, ‘J’en Ai Marre (Had Enough)’


Sometimes you just need to laugh. In two languages. Nous Non Plus makes highly irreverent (and just as catchy) French pop music, circa the 1960s, and their third album, “Freudian Slip,” released last fall, is a hoot. Very little gets lost in translation at the hands of the band who have fake French names to go with funny French music – Céline Dijon, Jean-Luc Retard (L.A.’s Dan Crane of the Quick Hellos and World Air Guitar Championships fame), Bonnie Day, Cal d’Hommage, Professeur Harry Covert, Morris “Mars” Chevrolet and and François Hardon. The band has carried on in the tongue-in-cheek spirit of Les Sans Culottes’ after that band’s acrimonious splintering. Just add wine.

||| Download: “J’en Ai Marre”

||| Live: Nous Non Plus plays its first L.A. show in three years on Saturday night at the Bootleg Theater.