Premiere: Wake Up Lucid, ‘Feel It’
Kevin Bronson on
Wake Up Lucid doesn’t make nice. Not musically, anyway. The band of cousins – Ryan, Ian and Jamie Baca – mete out scuzzy blues you imagine sprung from gear that barely works, seething with emotion and crackling with defiance toward those who would water down rock ’n’ roll for the digital age. After thundering onto the scene with the EPs “Look Alive People” and “Sugar,” the Bacas found an ally in producer Joe Cardamone (the Icarus Line), who worked with them on their debut full-length (due in August). The album is titled, fittingly, “Feel It,” and the title track implores you to do just that: Feel it, ’cause it’s going to hurt a little.
||| Download: “Feel It”
||| Live: Wake Up Lucid opens for the Heavy on June 28 at the Bootleg Bar.
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