Ears Wide Open: Raheem Cohen
Kevin Bronson on
Raheem Cohen can sound like a old-school funk band one minute, classic rockers the next and soulful disco dudes after that. Sometimes all in one song. But that’s the world in 2013, right? Brothers Miles, Alix and Reece Melendrez, abetted by pals Matt Mumcian and Lukas Frank, are of the generation that sponges up music from decades past and squeezes it into their own potion. Their new single “Simpler” is a beat-addled rocker that suggests the indie kids might have sneaked some Red Hot Chili Peppers into their playlist.
||| Download: “Simpler” (using the widget after the jump)
||| Live: Raheem Cohen plays tonight at the Lyric Theater (520 N. La Brea), along with Y LUV, the Ten Thousand and Act As If.
Raheem Cohen – Simpler from Raheem Cohen on Vimeo.
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