Coachella 2013: Yeah Yeah Yeahs, yeah yeah



Who: Yeah Yeah Yeahs on the main stage
In 3 or Fewer Words: Yeah, well, maybe?
Memorable Because: Watching Karen O croon “Maps” never gets old. For the rest of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs set”¦ well, some of their songs are starting to get liver spots. Previous festival appearances by New York rockers played for fun in the sun with dance-friendly numbers, but last night they went for a more protracted, psychedelic sound. It was a nice complement to Coachella’s neon-freakshow night scene, but ultimately unmemorable when compared to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ appearances in 2006 and ’09. The Karen O Show hit its stride with “Heads Will Roll,” just in time for the set to end. Not the featured sub-headlining spectacle I was hoping for.
What I’d Tell My Friend Who Was At Infected Mushroom: Just kidding, I don’t have friends who would go see Infected Mushroom. I’d definitely give black shawarma a try though.
– Ben “Mouse” McShane (Photo by Scott Dudelson)