Video: Silversun Pickups, ‘Dots and Dashes (Enough Already)’
Kevin Bronson on
Director Suzie Vlcek’s video for Silversun Pickups’ “Dots and Dashes (Enough Already),” which stars Elise Eberle and Allie Teilz, follows the arc of a teenage crush. The song’s lyrics suggest where the mini-drama is going: “I’m already wondering ‘what am I?’ /
I’ve already learned a bit of sin” and “The edge of the big reveal / could be the end of the story.” As a YouTube commenter suggests, it’s a bit reminiscent of the film “Desperately Seeking Susan.” The song comes from SSPU’s third album, last year’s “Neck of the Woods,” and word on the boulevard is that the Silver Lake quartet might have something new in the works for the next Record Store Day. Stay tuned, as they say.
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