Gallery: A super Saturday around Echo Park Rising


The Henry Clay People-CP-8-17-2013c

Sunset what? Echo Park Rising, the upstart neighborhood celebration of music that emerged when the long-running Sunset Junction festival went bust, expanded to two days this year, and early returns were that the festival was a smash hit. From the outdoor stage at Taix to the Echo and Echoplex to smaller rooms all over the neighborhood, thousands took in first-day performances by more than 100 bands. Among the most memorable: the final show the Henry Clay People, whose members are moving on to academic pursuits and family lives;  Big Black Delta’s outdoor headlining set; and a rapturous set by Kan Wakan. Above, a gallery of Saturday highlights. (We’ll have a separate gallery of bands who played the Buzz Bands LA / White Iris Records stage in Taix.)

More photos after the jump.

Photos by Carl Pocket