Ears Wide Open: Wunder Wunder
Kevin Bronson on
Maybe there are some new flavors left in the rainbow Sno-Cone that was the 1960s after all. At least, that’s what the early taste music from producers Aaron Shanahan and Benjamin Plant (both of Miami Horror) suggests. The Australian duo relocated to Los Angeles two years ago, and early this year started doing business under one of those typographical-error band names, Honeymooon. They sacked that moniker after getting a cease-and-desist letter and settled on a simple redundancy, Wunder Wunder. But what’s in a name? Their single “Sure Stuck” is a swarm of Technicolor synths, all blips, whizzes and squelches over scratchy guitar and a toe-tapping bass line, building to a blissful psych-pop frenzy. Had I run across in 1968, would’ve inspired a cool wheelie on my metallic purple Sting-Ray. Not nearly as fond of the single they released as Honeymooon called “Hail the Madmen,” but damn, I miss that bike.
||| Stream: “Sure Stuck”
||| Live: Wunder Wunder share the Monday night residency with Lovelife this month at the Bootleg Bar.
Photo by Scott Sheff
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