Video: The Melodic, ‘On My Way’
Kevin Bronson on
The Melodic might be a very presumptively named band, but the moniker is not innacurate. The South London quintet, which started as a songwriting collaboration between Huw Williams and Rudi Schmidt and grew to include, John Naldrett, Lydia Samuels and James McCandless, make stripped-down folk interlaced with Afro and Caribbean rhythms. Their album “Effra Parade” comes out today on Anti- Records, and it’s upbeat musically with strong thematic underpinnings (Williams and Schmidt have done their homework in ’60s revivalism) – especially the touching “Ode to Victor Jara,” the Chilean poet/artist/activist about whom the Clash once sung.
||| Live: The Melodic play Wednesday at the Bootleg Bar along with Irene Diaz and Sister Rogers.
||| Also: After the jump, watch the video for “Ode to Victor Jara”
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