Download: Speak, ‘Peaks’
Seraphina Lotkhamnga on
If you’ve already got the itch for SXSW, Austin’s Speak may be able to tide you over during their stint here in Los Angeles. The indie-pop quartet has been ramping things up in support of their follow-up to their debut “I Believe In Everything,” and their new single “Peaks” may just be the tune to entice fans down to Texas in March. The occasionally wonky electro elements provide the texture here, compared to 2011’s retro clap-happy “Carrie,” and singer Troupe Gammage finds the upper registers over “Peaks'” layered production. Everything in the Lone Star State may be big, but Speak, whose members also include Joey Delahoussaye, Nick Hurt and Jake Stewart, may be crossing state lines more often with their new direction. File next to L.A.’s Mind the Gap and Y LUV.
||| Download: “Peaks” or grab the entire EP by leaving a tip on Noise Trade.
||| Live: Speak continues their Bootleg residency on Sunday with the Reflections and Blow.
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