Stream: Emma Ruth Rundle, ‘Shadows of My Name’
Kevin Bronson on
We’ve name-checked Emma Ruth Rundle as one of the creative influences in the bands Red Sparowes, Marriages and the Nocturnes, and even as a contributor to Drab Majesty, but her solo debut “Some Heavy Ocean” (out this week via Sargent House) reveals the singer-guitarist as force herself. Indeed, “Some Heavy Ocean” is some heavy stuff, beguiling and haunting, sort of Mazzy Star gone post-rock, or reminiscent of Amanda Kramer here. Rundle’s lovingly textured songs run to varying shades of dark (the album has drawn comparisons to Chelsea Wolfe), but the emphasis here is on composition and arrangement, not production. You could lose yourself for an afternoon in the four rapturous minutes of “We Are All Ghosts,” or maybe a whole weekend over the course of the whole album. A true long-player.
||| Stream: “Shadows of My Name” and “Run Forever”
||| Live: Emma Ruth Rundle opens for King Buzzo (of the Melvins, doing a solo acoustic tour) on July 31 at Pappy & Harrieet’s.
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