Stream: Cotillon, ‘Before’
Kevin Bronson on
On EPs released in 2012 and ’13, songwriter Jordan Corso, dba Cotillon, made lovingly fractured songs about woefully fractured relationships — not just of the interpersonal variety, but the disconnectedness that breeds laments like “Spent the whole day in bed / I’ve been so removed.” Cotillon’s self-titled full-length, out Jan. 26 on Burger Records, suggests Corso might be the only sober guy at the lo-fi party. Recorded in L.A. and San Francisco with Chet “JR” White (ex-Girls) and embellished with occasional horns and keyboards, “Cotillon” reflects an outsider oeuvre that’s more about substance than style; there’s the rawness of the Velvets but also the cleaner, hookier sounds of early pop. Think what you will of an album that starts with a song titled “Gloom,” but Corso follows with “Call Me Up” (an entreaty to a girl to leave her Mercedes-driving boyfriend) and the laconically funny “Asteroid.” A couple songs form 2012’s “Votive Flower” EP are revisited here, but the gem is “Convenience,” which apparently never made it on to last year’s “White Roses” EP. The teaser track “Before” shows the album’s haziest side; you’ll want to hear it all to get clarity.
||| Stream: “Before” and “Left Bank”
||| Previously: “Convenience,” and “I Wanna Move to Paris”
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