Stream: Sonny & the Sunsets, ‘Happy Carrot Health Food Store’
Kevin Bronson on
If Sonny Smith ever does do a movie, we’ll be there, searching for a plot but thoroughly enjoying it. The new Sonny & the Sunsets album “Talent Night at the Ashram” began as a film project, and judging from some of the songs’ episodic snippets it could be about eight film projects. In making the follow-up to 2013’s mystic “Antenna to the Afterworld,” the San Francisco musician/playwright/visual artist collaborated with folks such as th Fresh & Only’ Shayde Sartin, Garret Goddard (King Tuff), Kelley Stoltz, Rusty Miller and Ian McBrayer. Smith’s trippy sonic potpourri includes paeans to professional bowlers, finding love at Occupy meetings and, in the seven-minute “Happy Carrot Health Food Store,†grocery store employees. There’s something there about a girl swimming in beer too, so we’ll have revisit that after we have a few, or recover from the flashback-inducing flute part in “Alice Leaves for the Mountains.” “Talent Night at the Ashram” is out Feb. 17 via Polyvinyl.
||| Stream: “Happy Carrot Health Food Store”
||| Also: Watch the animated video for “Cheap Extensions” below:
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