Coachella 2015: Chet Faker, trippy in the late afternoon


ChetFaker-20150411-01Who: Chet Faker at the Outdoor Theatre
In 3 or Fewer Words: A monological meastro.
Memorable Because: Although Nicholas James Murphy, aka Chet Faker, was basically a one-man show (he had some help from one musician behind him), the Australian electro maestro impressively held his own on the big Outdoor Theatre stage. Even the silly white beanie (complete with an all-white outfit of course) seemed to be overlooked with jams like “1998” and his smooth cover of Blackstreet’s 1996 hit “No Diggity.” Slinky vibes wafted through the air and had the crowd following Faker’s grooves to welcome the evening.
What I’d Tell My Friend Who Was At Milky Chance: I feel sorry for you — not for your choice but for the timing, since Milky Chance singer Clemens Rehbein suffered from vocal problems that made it a struggle even for him to say: “I’m really sorry. I’m very sick.” He swigged honey on stage and the crowd sang one song for him. Maybe he’ll be recovered by next week?
— S.L. and K.B. (Photo by Samantha Saturday)

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